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Mini Explorers Preschool program is solely based off allowing children to play. We believe giving the children the tools they need to enhance their play that they will be learning non-stop and be interested to keep learning new things. Children will be offered learning experiences that will allow math and problem-solving skills, literacy and language development, they will have ample opportunities to work on large and fine motor skills. Art and music are very important to the developing brain and we strive to include music and singing throughout the day. Art and creativity time is offered daily as well. Social skills are huge during this time for our kids and we work very hard to teach them good coping skills, how to handle differences and challenges that arise between peers, we teach them how to speak up for themselves and how to have compassion for others. Our play curriculum comes from the children and what they are interested in and the teachers here supply the children with the tools or supplies they need to further learn on a topic or a skill that they are currently working on.

Below are ways we are learning daily/ weekly.

*Language & Literacy: singing, rhyming, name recognition, writing notes, reading , dictated stories, and storytelling.

*Music: singings, using music instruments, and making up songs.

*Math: blocks, building, pattern making, puzzles, cooking, and counting,

*Open-ended art: painting, chalk, coloring, gluing found items on paper, water colors, mixing colors.

*Science: nature exploration/ natural world, gardening, cooking, and experiments.

*Large motor: running, climbing, digging, riding trikes, jumping, dancing

*Fine motor: writing, coloring, markers, painting, lacing, scissors, tearing.

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